Attendance Information

Attendance Procedures

Parents should call the school (619-605-4800 option 3) every day of a child's absence. If a family emergency arises, please contact the school as soon as possible prior to your student missing school, so we can help plan for this absence. We have a form that you will need to fill out prior to leaving.

As a school, we use the automated system to notify you that your child was absent. This also serves as a reminder to parents to contact the school to discuss the nature of the student's absence.

Any absence that is not called in within a 5 day period of the date the student missed school will become an unexcused absence.

Students who have 4 or more unexcused or unverified absences in a 9 week grading period will be placed on the Loss of Privilege list, which will result in students missing out on fun activities that occur here at De Portola.

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